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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Jobs in Lebanon. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Senior Recruiter - FEMALE-

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

•Follow-up with Branch managers & H.O. Managers to control the effectiveness of recruiting plans and implementation •Posting new vacanc...

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Account Executive/manager

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

-Manage a portfolio of potential clients                 -Call and schedule meetings with prospects and close deals (Minimum 3 meetings per...

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Technician - Supervisor

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

A European Company with a branch in Lebanon - Beirut is looking to recruit 2 Technician / Supervisor with advanced Knowledge in Electrical ...

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Russian Speaking Assistant

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

• Coordinate Sales in CIS Countries • Support sales team in issuing offers • Procurement assistance • Ensure proper tracking of requisiti...

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منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

• 1 Senior Accountant with 3-5 years of Experience. • 1 Junior Accountant with or without Experience. - Provide professional accounting wo...

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Store Manager - Teavana - Lebanon - M.H. Alshaya Co.

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

Teavana is a specialty retailer offering more than 100 varieties of premium loose-leaf teas, authentic artisanal teawares and other tea-rela...

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Senior Accountant

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

- Prepare & control invoices, receipts and statement of accounts. - Handle cash and checks. - Follow up on clients’ payments problems....

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Marketing Coordinator - Rousse Trading Co. s.ar.l

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

In addition to some administrative tasks, duties include: - taking caring of the company's digital marketing/ social media - contribut...

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Sales Position - Account Manager - Binder's

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

A reputable company, located in Hazmieh specialized in Diaries, Printings and Promotional items, is looking for a qualified outdoor sales pe...

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Sales Associate - The Body Shop - The Spot Nabatieh - M.H. Alshaya Co.

منذ 10 سنه تقريبا

At The Body Shop we believe true beauty comes from the heart. For us, beauty is much more than a pretty face - it's about feeling good a...

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إذا أعجبك محتوى مدونتنا نتمنى البقاء على تواصل دائم ، فقط قم بإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني للإشتراك في بريد المدونة السريع ليصلك جديد المدونة أولاً بأول ، كما يمكنك إرسال رساله بالضغط على الزر المجاور ...

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